"The George has become a massive cornerstone in a thriving, creative community in East London. It has brought people together in a multitude of ways that serves the local community. It is a travesty to think that it will no longer be a hub for social activities and learning. Why should a few benefit when currently an entire community is about to lose its centre? No more flats! Let the George remain as an amazing community centre." - Rebecca Workman, Hackney resident

How you can help

If you're part of the wider community, please sign our petition.

If you're a close neighbour to The George, please consider submitting your comments on the planning application to Hackney Council by 26 January 2011

See the plans (under 'application documents') and have your say on Hackney Council's website.

The council provides the following guidance on what you can and can't comment on.

What you can comment on
We can only take into account material planning considerations.
These cover a wide range of issues including –
• loss of privacy,
• loss of trees,
• loss of daylight,
• visual appearance,
• traffic generation and road safety,
• noise or smell,
• something contrary to Council policy and/or London Plan policy,
• impact on Listed Buildings and/or Conservation Areas,
• impact of increased activity.

What you can't comment on
Matters that are not material to planning application assessment
and cannot be considered are –
• requirements under building regulations or other non-planning laws such as structural stability, fire precaution or the like,
• private issues between neighbours such as party wall disputes,
damage to property, private rights of way, covenants or the like,
• commercial competition,
• property values,
• loss of a view,
• alternative types of development you might prefer.

For more details, download the council's guidance.